KHL specializes in medium to large volume spices and botanicals. Most items we stock come in a variety of forms, including whole, ground, cracked, and teabag cut. Please note that we also carry a full line of herbal tea ingredients, dried flowers and medicinal herbs.
We also carry a wide variety of dried flowers and other materials for Potpourri manufacture, and we can blend to your design
Please contact us if you have specific requirements or requests and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Here is a list of some of the many offerings KHL has:
Allspice (Pimienton) | Gum Olibanum (Copal chico) |
Anise Seed (Semilla de Anis) | Juniper Berries (Enebro) |
Anise Star (Anis de Estrella entero) | Laurel/Bay Leaves (Hojas de Laurel) |
Annatto Seed (Achiote) | Lemon Peel (Cascara de Limon) |
Arrowroot Powder (Arrurruz) | Linden Flowers (Tilo) |
Basil (Albahaca) | Licorice Root (Amolillo en Polvo) |
Caraway Seed (Alcaravea) | Mace (Macia) |
Cardamom (Cardamomo) | Marjoram (Mejorana) |
Cassia (Casia) | Mustard Seed (Yellow/Brown) |
Celery (Apio) | Nutmeg (Nuez moscada) |
Chamomile Flower (Manzanilla) | Oregano |
Cilantro | Orange Peel (Cascara de Naranja) |
Cinnamon (Canela en Raja) | Pepper (Black/White/Red/Green/Pink) (Pimienta blanca/negra/verde/rosada) |
Cloves (Clavo entero) | Peppermint (Menta) |
Coriander Seed (Semilla de Cilantro) | Rosemary (Romero) |
Cumin Seed (Comina) | Sage (Salvia) |
Dillweed (Eneldo) | Safflower (Azafran) |
Fennel Seed (Hinojo) | Savory (Ajedrea) |
Fenugreek (Alholva) | Senna Leaves (Hoja Sen) |
Flax Seed (Semilla de Linaza) | Senna Pods |
Garlic (Ajo) | Sesame Seed (Natural/Black) (Ajonjoli negro/natural) |
Ginger (Ajenibre) | Spearmint (Yerba Buena) |
Gum Myrrh (Goma Mirra) | Thyme (Tomillo) |
Gum Arabic (Goma Arabiga) | Turmeric (Cúrcuma) |
ALLSPICE (teabag-cut) | LEMON PEEL (0.25" cut, teabag cut) |
CARAMEL APPLE MIX | LEMON VERBENA (whole, cut & sifted, teabag cut) |
CARDAMOM (mixed greens and decorticated) | LICORICE ROOT (cut & sifted) |
CASSIA (teabag cut & 0.25" cut) | LINDEN FLOWERS |
CHAMOMILE FLOWERS (whole, pollen, teabag cut) | MATE (green, roasted) |
CHICORY (roasted) | MULLING SPICE MIX (teabag cut) |
CLOVES (teabag cut) | NUTMEG (teabag cut) |
CORIANDER SEED (cracked) | ORANGE PEEL (0.25" cut, teabag cut) |
GINGER (cut & sifted) | PEPPERMINT (whole, crushed, teabag cut) |
LAVENDER FLOWERS | ROSEHIPS (seedless, teabag cut) |
LEMON GRASS (1" cut, cut & sifted, teabag cut) | SPEARMINT (whole, crushed, teabag cut) |